The Peter Hansen Story

Discussion in 'Biographies' started by liverpool annie, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    This man isn't a famous man ... but the story is incredible !

    It was a tough decision but in the end it would help their situation considerably. Bernice Hansen would take care of the three kids, Harriet, Mary-Anne and John, while her husband, Peter Hansen, went to work overseas to make good money. When he got back they would have a nice bank account with much more money in it than if he had stayed in the States and worked.

    His contract with the Morrison Knudsen Company was in days, two hundred and ninety two of them and the money had built up in savings, less what Bernice had been using to maintain things at home. The construction project he was assigned to had been underway since January and he joined it a little later in late March when it had been up-scaled from an eight-hour, five day per week project to one that was ongoing around the clock, seven days a week. He was making more money that he had imagined. The days, weeks and months passed quickly. Soon he was scheduled to fly home.

    Bernice Hansen couldn't wait. In just under three weeks her husband would be home and their children would again see their Daddy. The family could get on with their lives together. Peter Hansen was counting down the days in the upper right hand corner of his letters. His last letter noted 273 days down just 19 to go before his December 23rd ticket home. The family would be able to spend Christmas together.

    But that family Christmas never happened see, Peter was a civilian contractor working for the United States Navy on Wake Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and the year was 1941

    Read on .........

    The Peter Hansen Story

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