This Day on ....................................

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sniper, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Starting a new line of theads which hopefully we can have other people post imformation. But would like to keep this in the old style thread way of no links being posted. Please add imformation to the date or please feel free to discuss any of the topics which come up.

    This Happened on 29th September 1939

    In Russia the partition of Poland is re-defined and the Russians are given a free hand in Lithuania. In exchange the Russians and Germans demarcation line is moved eastwards with the Russians retiring to the line of the Narew-Bug-San and the area between Vistula and the western Bug goes to Germany. The territory occupied by the Germans is the richest in Poland, with something like half the total industry.
    A treaty of mutual assistance is signed between the USSR and Estonia, giving the Russians the right to occupy the country’s principal naval bases.

    This Happened on 29th September 1940

    British Naval Forces commence ‘sweep’ in the eastern and central Mediterranean

    This Happened on 29th September 1941

    In the southern sector the Germans enter the Doubas region, an important coal basin of the Don river.
    In Moscow a conference opens attended by Lord Beaverbrook for Great Britain, Averell Harriman for the USA and Vyacheslav Molotov for the USSR to discuss, how the Russians can be urgently assisted.
    Stettin and Hamburg are bombed in night raids by the RAF.

    This Happened on 29th September 1942

    Guadalcanal American forces on the island now number over 19,000 with 3,260 manning Tulagi. The Seabeas Construction Battalions are turning the Henderson Field into an operational airport though the runway is bombed regularly by the Japanese.

    Madagascar British troops advancing south along Tananarive take Fianarantsoa. Other units landed at Tulear on the south-west coast occupy the harbour, airfield and seaplane base which enables them to reconnoitre the Mozambique Channel.

    This Happened on 29th September 1943

    Eastern Front After three days of bitter fighting Konev’s troops on the Steppe Front cross the Dniepr at Kremenchug and capture the town. Even the vital Dniepr Line looks like crumbling. Now Rokossovsky and Vatutin advance towards Kiev.

    Italian Front General Alexander issues instructions for future operations. They fall into two phases: first the capture of Naples and the advance of the front line Sessa Aurunca – Venafro – Isernia – Castropnano – the river Biferno – Termoli; second advance to the line Civitavecchia – Terni – Visso – San Benedetto del Tronto.
    In the operational area of the US VI Corps units of the 3rd Div converge on Avellino, and during the night begin to assault the city.

    Eisenhower and Badoglio sign full armistice terms.

    Furious engagements continue in Naples between insurgents and German troops. After the Germans use tanks a truce comes into force at 7.00am on 30 September.

    China General Stilwell announces a programme for China. He recommends with the aid of America the re-establishment of 60 Divs of the Nationalist Army.

    This Happened on 29th September 1944

    Italian Front At Marzabotto, in Bologna province in the foothills of the Apennines, two SS Regiments begin reprisals against partisans. Within a few days the Germans commanded by Major Walter Reder have murdered 1,836 civilains.

    Palau Islands On Peleliu the 7th Marines are replaced by units of the 321st Infantry in the attack on the Japanese positions in the Mount Umurbrogol pocket.
    Amgaur The Americans succeed in driving the Japanese out of the centre of the Lake Salome area. Forcing them to withdraw to the extreme north-west of the island. The islets of Ngesebus and Kongauru are cleared.

    Burma Chinese engineers and civilians assisted by American technicians begin the construction of a military road between Myit-kyina, Teng-chung and Kunming
  2. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    30th September

    This Happened on 30th September 1939

    The Polish Government in exile is set up in Paris led by General Wladyslaw Sikorski. The first of many European governments in exile set up in the wake of German domination.

    The German pocket-battleship Admiral Graf Spee sinks the British steamship Clement. The allies have now lost 185,000 tons of merchant shipping. This marks the beginning of the search for the German pocket-battleships by the Royal Navy.

    This Happened on 30th September 1940

    Since the start of the air offensive over London on September 7th the British have lost 247 fighters against 433 by the Luftwaffe. British civilian casualties for September are numbered at 6,954 killed and 10,615 injured.

    This Happened on 30th September 1941

    Eastern Front Northern sector; after hard fighting Finnish units break through the Russian positions at Petrozavodsk.
    Central sector: the German forces are lined up for an offensive against Moscow
    Southern sector: the German 11th Army, supported by Italian troops defeat a Russian force at Petrikovska. First snowfalls in Ukraine reported.

    Western Mediterranean Two British fighters sink the Italian submarine Adua

    UK civilian casualties for September: 217 killed, 269 injured

    This Happened on 30th September 1942

    Aleutian Islands The Japanese carry out the first in a series of nuisance raids on Adak Island

    Germany Hitler speaks to the Nazi party rally: ‘’I said that if Jewry started this war in order to overcome the Aryan people, then it would not be the Ayrans but the Jews who would be exterminated. The Jews laughed at my prophecies…. I doubt if they are laughing now.

    This Happened on 30th September 1943

    Eastern Front The Soviet government announces that the Red Army is advancing towards Kiev in the Ukraine and on Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilev in Belorussia. September has seen the liberation of huge regions.

    Italian Front Despite the truce heavy fighting is still reported in Naples. About 11.00am the news comes that the Allies are at the gates to the southern part of the city. British V Corps and US 5th Army have surrounded Vesuvius. Avellino is taken by units of the US VI Corps, US 5th Army.

    This Happened on 30th September 1944

    Western Europe Calais surrenders to the Canadian 3rd Division.
    In the Antwerp sector the Polish 1st Division captures Merxplas, northwest of Turnhout.
    A powerful counter attack by the Germans in the American XII Corps sector is contained only after help from the American 6th Armoured Division

    Eastern Front The 57th Army is followed by the 47th Army of the 3rd Ukraine Front over the river Danube in force upstream of Turnu Serverin on the frontier between Rumania and Yugoslavia advancing towards Belgrade

    Palau Islands Command of the Western Carolines sector passes from Rear Admiral Wilkinson, Commander of the Task Force 31, Rear Admiral Fort, Commander of the Western Attack Force Task Force 32. Fort announces that the capture of Peleiu, Angaur, Ngesebus and Kongauru are complete but in actual fact fighting pockets of Japanese resistance goes on for sometime.
  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Heres September 30th 1938 Sniper ....

    1938: 'Peace for our time' - Chamberlain

    The British Prime Minister has been hailed as bringing "peace to Europe" after signing a non-aggression pact with Germany.
    PM Neville Chamberlain arrived back in the UK today, holding an agreement signed by Adolf Hitler which stated the German leader's desire never to go to war with Britain again.

    The two men met at the Munich conference between Britain, Germany, Italy and France yesterday, convened to decide the future of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

    Mr Chamberlain declared the accord with the Germans signalled "peace for our time", after he had read it to a jubilant crowd gathered at Heston airport in west London.

    The German leader stated in the agreement: "We are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe."

    But many MPs are bound to criticise it as part of the Prime Minister's "appeasement" of German aggression in Europe.

    And Mr Chamberlain's personal pact will be little comfort to the Czechoslovakian Government which has been forced to hand over the region of Sudetenland to Germany, despite not being present at the conference.

    After greeting members of the public at the airport, Mr Chamberlain appeared in front of another rejoicing throng on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with the King and Queen, and again later outside 10 Downing Street.

    The British Prime Minister was forced to mobilise the Royal Navy four days ago when Germany announced it was building massive fortifications in Rhineland.

    But the Conservative leader has always expressed his desire to find a peaceful solution to the Fuehrer's wish to create a new - and enlarged - German homeland in Europe.
  4. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on 1st October 1939

    In Poland the heroic defenders of the little garrison of the Hela Peninsula just north of Danzig surrender. Three destroyers and some Polish submarines succeed in escaping and getting to British ports. Fighting continues on the Baltic and Polish coasts and in a few days the last of the isolated points of resistance are overwhelmed.
    The Poles have left 694,000 prisoners in the hands of the Germans and 217,000 in the hands of the Russians. The number of Polish dead, wounded and missing is not known. The Germans have come off lightly with just 10,572 dead, 30,322 wounded and 3,409 missing.

    Nothing reported on 1st October 1940

    This Happened on 1st October 1941

    End of Moscow conference between the USSR, Britain and the USA on aid to the USSR.

    This Happened on 1st October 1942

    On the eastern front the impetus of the German thrust is becoming exhausted. Bloody fighting continues in Stalingrad, where the German 6th Army have a heavy loss for every yard gained. The Russians try in vain to get help to the ruined city. Army Group A is halted by the Russians, while trying to conquer the Caucasus region with its rich oil fields. The Germans fail to take Gronzny and there is bitter fighting between Novorossiysk and Tuapse on the Black Sea. Heavy losses of materials and men, shortage of supplies especially fuel and the terrain are beginning to tell on the armies of the German Reich.

    This Happened on 1st October 1943

    Eastern Front During the first week of October the armies of the Central Front, Steppe Front and South-west Front exert pressure on the Army Groups Centre and South along the Dniepr river. Managing to cross at several points and establish bridgeheads near Kiev, Kremenchug and Dneproptrovsk.

    Italian Front During the morning the King’s Dragoon Guards of British X Corps enter Naples without opposition. The British XIII Corps 8th Army push towards the Vinchiaturo – Termoli line. The 78th Division pushes along the coast and the Canadian 1st Division move inland across the mountains.

    Solomon Islands Admiral Halsey tells General MacArthur that he has decided to make a landing at Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville. MacArthur tells him he will have maximum air support from the South West Pacific Area Forces.

    New Guinea The Australians resume attacks on the Japanese forces at Finschhafen inflicting heavy losses on them.

    In Austria Allied bombers drop 187 tons of bombs on Vienna.

    This Happened on 1st October 1944

    Western Europe The Canadian 3rd Division of II Corps completes the occupation of Calais.
    In the Antwerp sector the Canadian 2nd Division of I Corps begins to cross the Antwerp-Turnhout Canal and makes for the Beveland Peninsula, passing the northern suburbs of the city of Antwerp.
    The US 1st Army begin operations for surrounding Aachen.
    Marshall Petain and Pierre Laval are taken from Belfort to Sigmaringen in Germany.

    Italian Front In the western sector the US 5th Army begins the offensive against Bologna at dawn, meeting strong resistance from the Germans
    At British 8th Army Headquarters General Sir Oliver Leese hands over the reins to General McCreery and heads for the Asian Front.
    In Greece British commandos coming from Kithira land on the island of Poros. Greek forces incorporated in the British 8th Army land at Mitilini, Lemnos and Levita

    This month also sees the Oscar going to Ingrid Bergman for her role in Gaslight in 1944. In 1943 we see the death from a heart attack of Max Reinhardt a contemporary figure in theatre. In 1942 the film ‘Mrs Miniver is released and receives five Oscars. In 1941 we see Greta Garbo in her last film, ‘Two faced Woman. In 1940 we see the sad death of Tom Mix, one of the most popular screen cowboys of the time. Also in 1940 we see Charlie Chaplin premier his film in New York called ‘The Great Dictator’ a great satire comedy which was savage against Hitler and Mussolini. On 20th October 1939 we saw the premier of the film ‘Mr Smith goes to Washington starring James Stewart, the last in a trilogy of films.
  5. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on 2nd October 1939

    Delegates from 21 American countries meeting in Panama decide to set up along the coast of each nation a security zone 300 – 600 miles deep within any act of war would constitute a hostile act against the country concerned.

    This Happened on 2nd October 1940

    Night attacks on London

    Arrival of New Zealand naval and air force drafts in Britain

    Hitler had still not lost hope of being able to carry out a landing in Britain, Operation Sealion. Although his commanders advised him to abandon the project rather than have the craft gathered at European ports exposed to British bombing.

    This Happened on 2nd October 1941

    Eastern Front Operation Taifun ‘Typhoon’, the attack on Moscow begins. The right wing of the Army Group Centre, ‘2nd Armoured Army. Guderian’s ‘Panzergruppe’ smashes through the Russian defences at Glukhov and sweeps onto towards Orel, then suddenly turns north towards Tula, about 125 miles from Moscow. The 2nd Army and part od Guderian’s armour converge on Bryansk. The 4th Army and IV Panzergruppe ‘Hoeppner’ break through the right wing of the Russian western front under Konev east of Roslavl and advance on Vyazma, and the tanks of Hoth’s III Panzergruppe converge on the same town.
    In the southern sector: the start of the battle of the sea of Azov.

    This Happened on 2nd October 1942

    Ellice Islands American unit from Espiritu Santo occupies the Funafuti atoll near the Gilbert Islands in the South Pacific.

    Madagascar The British proceed to occupy the southern part of the island.

    This Happened on 2nd October 1943

    Italian Front US VI Corps sector the 3rd Division on the left makes for the Volturno river and the 34th and 45th divisions move by separate routes towards Benevento.
    During the night Allied commandos land near Termoli and seize the harbour and the town. The British 78th Division links up with them stabilizing a bridgehead over the river Biferno.

    Central Pacific The US 27th Division has been getting ready to land on Naura is ordered to prepare plans for the capture of a new objective suggested by Vice-Admiral Spruance to Admiral Nimitz – Makin atoll in the Gilbert Islands.

    Solomon Islands During the night the Japanese ‘Tokyo Express’ completes the evacuation of the garrison, some 9,400 men, of Kolombangara. US naval and air forces intervene but to no effect.

    New Guinea The Austrailian 20th Brigade captures the village and harbour of Finschhafen after bitter fighting and joins up with the 23rd Brigade which has advanced from Lae. However the Japanese still hold two strongpoints overlooking the harbour.

    This Happened on 2nd October 1944

    Western Europe In the American sector XIX Corps 1st Army, the 30th Division opens up the attack on the west wall of the Siefrried Line after heavy air and artillery bombardment. They attack north west of Aachen.

    Italian Front Almost all of the American II and IV Corps 5th Army are held up at Monte Catarelto and Monte Galletto.

    Eastern Front General Tadeo Bor, leader of the insurrection in Warsaw signs the surrender of his forces to the Germans. The city is a pile of rubble and more than 250,000 Polish patriots have lost their lives.

    Yugoslavia In the area of Negotin south of Turnu Severin, the Russian 57th Army are locked into a bitter battle with German Serbia Group, part of von Weichs Army Group F

    Palau Islands The 321st Infantry Regiment liquidates all Japanese resistance on Mount Amiangal. On Mount Umerbrogol sector the 7th Marines are held up by Japanese forces determined to fight to the last man.

    Angaur The 322nd Infantry breaks off attacks against the Japanese in the north-west of the island in an area only a few hundred metres square. They begin systemic shelling of the area.

    Burma In accordance with the decisions made by the war cabinet Admiral Mountbatten orders the offensive against Mandalay should be launched while other operations postponed and reduced. Headquarters of Northern Burma is to guarantee the security of air communications between Indian and China.
  6. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on 3rd October 1939

    Nothing reported on this day.

    This Happened on 3rd October 1940

    The ships of Force M which took part in the action against Dakar from 23rd Sept to 25th Sept leave Freetown where they have taken refuge, and escort the Free French forces to Douala in the French Cameroons. They are not accompanied by battleships Barham or Resolution, which sailed for the Mediterranean, the Resolution stopping at Gibraltar for repairs to damage suffered at Dakar.

    Neville Chamberlain resigns on the grounds of ill-health

    This Happened on 3rd October 1941

    Eastern Front Hitler announces that Russia is broken and will never rise again. He tells the German people of the previous day’s offensive on the eastern front.
    Northern Sector The Germans take the defences at Tsarskoe Selo near Leningrad
    Central Sector The Russian front at Bryansk defended by 43rd, 3rd, 50th, and 13th Armies begin to crumble under the command of Timoshenko. Two big pockets are formed north and south of Bryansk while further north a third pocket forms near Vyazma.
    Southern Sector The German Dnepropetrosk bridgehead is strengthened.

    This Happened on 3rd October 1942

    Eastern Front In the Causcasus German Army Group A makes some progress towards Gronzny.
    The battle for Stalinggrad continues and the Russian position is starting to improve but at huge cost.

    This Happened on 3rd October 1943

    Italian Front In the VI Corps sector the 34th Division and the 133rd Infantry Regiment take Benevento and establish a bridgehead across the Calore
    In the Termoli sector the Germans send in the 16th Panzerdivision in an attempt to push the British back across the river Biferno. A bitter battle begins. That evening a brigade lands in the sector which the British have captured their bridgehead. The Canadian 1st Division is held up by terrain 12 miles from Vinchiaturo.
    The 3rd Panzergrenadier Division replaces the 16th Armoured Division at Volturno

    Mediterranean The Germans land on Kos which is used as a British RAF base.

    Germany Heavy night raid by the Allies on Kassel, dropping 1500 tons of bombs in 30 minutes

    This Happened on 3rd October 1944

    Western Europe The American 3rd Division ‘XIX Corps, 1st Army’ have penetrated into the Siegfried Line and reaches Ubach where it is overtaken by the 2nd Armoured Division which crossed the Wurm at Marienberg.
    In the XX Corps ‘US 3rd Army’ sector they resume the attack on Metz. Earlier in the day 247 bombers of the RAF attacked the Westkapelle dyke on the island of Walcheren, Holland. A complete success the dyke was demolished for over 100 yards and the sea flooded in over thousands of acres of land.

    Eastern Front In Estonia troops of the Leningrad Front land on the island of Hiiumaa and begin the destruction of the German garrison. The three Baltic fronts continue their pressure on the German Army Group North which is slowly being driven towards Riga.

    Palau Islands On Peleiu the US 7th Marine Regiment makes some progress against Japanese positions on Mount Umurbrogol.

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff agree MacArthur in the difference of opinion on strategy between him and Nimitz. The American pacific forces will be given preference to the capture of bases on the island of Luzon in the Phillippines. The operation is overseen by MacArthur himself.
  7. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on 4th October 1939

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on 4th October 1940

    Hitler and Mussolini meet at Brennero on the Brenner Pass. Hitler asks for no action to be taken unless its of use to the Axis powers. Ribbentrop and Ciano the Foreign Ministers are present as is German Commander in Chief Keitel. Hitler offers military aid for North Africa but Duce declines it.

    This Happened on 4th October 1941

    Eastern Front Central Sector, expoiting the success of Hoeppner’s IV Panzergruppe, the XL Armoured Corps ‘Stumme’ assaults Vyazma

    This Happened on 4th October 1942

    New Guinea The Australians continue to advance along the Port Moresby – Kokoda track. American patrols carry out recce on another island near Jaure.

    This Happened on 4th October 1943

    Italian Front In Corsica Italian and French troops recapture Bastia, the whole island is now under Allied control.
    Both Eisenhower and Alexander forecast that the Allies will be in Rome by the end of the month. GHQ was transferred to Naples from Algiers but Eisenhower waits to establish himself in Rome.

    Mediterranean The German forces land at Kos and overcome the British garrison. The loss of Kos endangers the Allied hold on Leros and Samos as it’s the only Allied air base in the Aegean.

    This Happened on 4th October 1944

    Western Europe The Canadians of the 2nd Division continue to advance north of Antwerp, liberating the Merxerem-Eeckeren sector. North of Aachen units of US XIX Corps have breached the Siegfried Line, the Germans 6th Armoured Division launches a couter-attack to close the gap in the German defences. However the Americans keep the ground they have gained. The American V Corps in the Luxemborg sector are also getting ready to attack the Siegfried Line.

    Eastern Front In the Yugoslavia region of Negotin the Russian 57th Army surrounds and routs the German Divisions of the Serbia Group. Units of the Russian 46th Army capture Pancevo, on the eastern bank of the Danube near Belgrade.

    Germany It is reported that German males born in 1928 are to be called up.

    Palau Islands In tbad weather the 7th Marine Regiment continues to attack Japanese positions on Mount Umurbrogol, Peleliu but end the day with heavy losses. Headquarters orders its relief.

    Burma The British sector of XXXIII Corps the 11th East African Division captures Yazagyo, while the 5th Indian Division nears Tiddim.
  8. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on 5th October 1939

    Mutual assistance treaty signed between USSR and Latvia giving Russia air and sea bases.

    This happened on 5th October 1940

    Daylight air attacks cease entirely by the Luftwaffe on Britian, though night time raids are constant. A one mile tunnel opened between Bethnal Green and Liverpool Street opened to provide shelter for 4,000 people.

    This Happened on 5th October 1941

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on 5th October 1942

    Pacific American carrier-borne aircraft bomb Japanese installations on Bougainville Island in the Solomon Islands.

    This Happened on 5th October 1943

    Italian Front On the Adriatic coast where XIII of the British 8th Army were operating, bitter fighting continued around the Biferno bridgehead near Termoli. The Germans entered Termoli for a short period.

    Pacific An American fleet consisting of 6 aircraft carriers, 7 cruisers, 24 destroyers and auxiliary craft commanded by Rear Admiral Montgomery shelled and bombed Wake Island. When on the 23rd December 1941 Admiral Kajioka took possession of the island he re-christened it Island of Birds. The attacks caused much damage and were repeated the next day.
    The Commander in Chief in the Pacific, Nimitz issues orders for the forthcoming offensive. Vice Admiral Spruance is to direct the landings on Makin, Tarawa and Abemama Islands in the Gilberts. He is to protect the landing forces by all means and neutralize the Japanese bases on Marshall Islands and Nauru which is supposed to start on the 19th October but is put back to the 20th October.

    This Happened on the 5th October 1944

    Western Europe Units of the US 2nd Army advance in the direction of Geilenkirchen and towards the south reach the road between that and Aachen. The American XII Corps sector bad weather holds up the attack towards Schmidt, an important target on the Rur dykes south of Aachen.

    Italian Front West of where the American IV Corps attacks are resumed in the direction of La Spezia, while other units continue to advance north hill by hill.

    Eastern Front In the Northern sector the armies of the 1st Baltic Front in the areas of Siualiai in Lithuania open an offensive towards the Baltic and East Prussia, with the aim to surround the German Army Group North. It is left to the 2nd and 3rd Fronts to continue towards Riga. At the other end of the front Malinovsky’s 2nd Ukraine Front starting from Arad in Rumania begins a offensive against south east Hungary aiming towards Szeged and Budapest.

    Greece British forces land on the Greek mainland and enter Patras.

    Palau IslandsOn Peleliu operations are temporarily slowed down by the weather and by the relieving units going to Mount Umurbrogol.

  9. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    It Happened on this day on 6th October 1939

    The Polish campaign is over as the last of the resistance is crushed.

    Hitler makes a speech appealing for peace to the Western powers and asking them to recognise the new status quo in Eastern Europe.

    It Happened on this day on 6th October 1940

    Bad weather gives Londoners their first quiet night since the 7th September.

    It Happened on this day on 6th October 1941

    Eastern Front In the Southern sector the 1 Panzergruppe of von Kleist crosses two major rivers, the Dneiper and the Samara and surrounds the Russian 9th and 18th Armies at Berdyansk.
    The Germans launch a two pronged attack on Moscow, and German Armour breaks through the line from Rzhev to Vyzama and they advance on Mozhaysk, only 50 miles from Moscow. The attack is halted by the Russians but six days later the town is surrounded and the Germans advance towards Kaluga.

    It Happened on this day on 6th October 1942

    North Africa Montgomery issues orders for the upcoming offensive being prepared by the 8th Army.

    Eastern Front Army Group A captured Malgobek which is an important oil producing area in Caucasus, west of Grosny

    USA A second agreement by the USA sees them signing in Washington the undertaking of sending more supplies to Russia. They plan to send 4,400,000 tons of supplies, mostly by sea and the rest via Iran.

    It Happened on this day on 6th October 1943

    Italian Front The American 5th Army reaches the banks of the Volturno. The British 10th Division captures Capua.

    Central Solomons The Americans of the 25th Division have unopposed landings on Kolombanara which gives them the Central Solomon Islands. Only Vella Lavella is occupied and costs the Americans 1,100 dead and about 4,000 wounded. The Allies have four airfields in which to attack their next objective, Bougainville.
    During the Battle of Vella Lavella during the 6th and 7th October three US destroyers intercept the ‘Tokyo Express’ which includes nine Japanese destroyers cammanded by Rear Admiral Matsuji Ijuin. Attempting to evacuate 600 men the American destroyers sink one Japanese destroyer but also lose one destroyer and two more are damaged, one by an accidental collision and another from a torpedo.

    New Guinea Elements of the Austrailan 7th Division take Dumpu very easily and now start building a landing strip.

    New Britian US patrols land secretly near Cape Gloucesterand carry out a through recce of the area chosen for the forth coming landings.

    This Happened on this day on 6th October 1944

    Western Europe In the Northern sector Montgomery launches an offensive to clear the estuary of the Scheldt to make it possible for the Allies to use the Port of Antwerp. Only one German Division is left manning the small port of Breskens south of Flushing. It is against these that the Canadian II Corps attack during what will be called the Battle of Polders, which is fought mainly in mud and water. North of the Leopold Canal they manage to set up two small bridgeheads. The Germans counter attack and the Canadians have to send for reinforcements.
    The US XIX Corps of the 1st Army continues its battle around Aachen and Geilkirchen on the Siegfried Line.

    Eastern Front Units of the Leningrad Front land on Saaremaa Island in the Gulf of Riga.

    Palau Islands Operations on Peleliu come to a standstill again. On Angaur artillery fire is re-commenced against the Japanese at the far north west of the island.

    China As a result of a breach between Chaing Kai-shek and Roosevelt, General Stilwell is relieved of his post and can now only command Chinese troops in Burma which have been trained and equipped by the Americans. He is also relieved of his responsibilities of supplies to China under the Lend-Lease Act
  10. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on the 7th October 1939

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on the 7th October 1940

    German troops enter Rumania to re0structure Rumanian armed forces. The oil wells in Rumania are very vital to the Germans.

    This Happened on the 7thth October 1941

    Eastern Front Bitter fighting continues over the whole front. The Russians start to evacuate Orel.

    This Happened on the 7th October 1942

    Guadalcanal Trying to put the Henderson Field out of Japanese artillery range the 1st Marine Division attacks with air and artillery support west of the defensive perimeter. Two columns advance south west and dig in on Height 65 overlooking the river Matanikau. There is very little Japanese resistance.

    New Guinea Allied troops move in readiness for the counter-offensive which will lead to the destruction of the Japanese forces.

    This Happened on the 7th October 1943

    Eastern Front The Russians take the railway centre north of Nevel in the Central sector and the Dnieper is crossed in three places but German resistance is stiffening along the whole front.

    Italian Front The American 5th Army prepares to attack the Volturno Line on the night of 9th/10th October but is forced to put this off until the night of 12th/13th October.
    On the Eastern sector the British XIII Corps, 2nd Brigade of the 78th Division lands on Biferno bridgehead while the Germans try to withdraw across the Trigno.

    This Happened on the 7th October 1944

    Western Europe The battle for Antwerp continues and the Canadian 3rd Division of II Corps sends in reinforcements which do not arrive due to very hardy resistance by the Germans.
    Units of US XX Corps 3rd Army liberate Wormeldange which liberates Luxemberg as far as Moselle. German counter attacks in the Metz sector slow down operations of the 90th Division but some units reach the outskirts of Maizieres-les-Metz.

    Italian Front The 8th Army in the eastern sector opens up an offensive against Rubicon. On the left of the Allied line units of the US IV and II Corps advance towards Monte Stanco, Caselnuovo di Basino and Monte Cavallara.

    Pacific US aircraft based in the Marianas carry out heavy raids on Iwo Jima.

    Palau Islands Operations against resistance on Mount Umurbrogol are suspended after unsuccessful attacks by the 5th Marines with tank support.
  11. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on the 8th October 1939

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on the 8th October 1940

    Britain refuses to close the Burma Road by which Western supplies can reach the army of Chaing Kai-shek

    This Happened on the 8th October 1941

    Eastern Front In the southern sector the Germans reach Mariupol where they surround seven Russian Divisions. The mobile formations of the Germans advance in the central sector are seriously held up by rain and mud.

    This Happened on the 8th October 1942

    Guadalcanal Bad rain force the Marines to break off their attack on the enemy beyond the river. Some of the units however after some bitter fighting reduce the enemies bridgehead. Reports come in that thev Japanese are preparing to attack and the Marines are ordered to strike against the Japanese forces at Cruz Point and then return to the Lunga perimeter.

    This Happened on the 8th October 1943

    Germany The American 8th Air Force carry out bombing raids on Bremen and Vegesack using 357 bombers.

    This Happened on the 8th October 1944

    Western Europe The Canadian II Corps advance from Hoogerheide to Korteven on the road from Antwerp to Bergen-op-Zoom. This is quickly stopped by Germans of the 15th Army who drive the Canadians back to their start point.
    Units of the US XIX Corps advance south and take Herzoggenrat. After a German counter attack near Mariadorf the US advance is held up. Hand to hand fighting in the town of Maizieres-les-Metz the units of the 90th Division have to fight for every house. The American XII Corps fair much better where after a intensive barrage begin to advance and take the towns of Moivron, Arraye-et-Han, Lixieres and Fossieux along the banks of the Seille.

    Greece The Germans evacuate Corinth which is occupied by British units from Araxos. Elements of the British 9th Commando reach Nauplia, south of Corinth.
  12. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on the 9th October 1939

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on the 9th October 1940

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on the 9th October 1941

    Eastern Front The German push towards Moscow continues. Fighting is particularly bitter around Vyazma about 140 miles west of Moscow and Bryansk 220 miles south west of Moscow

    This Happened on the 9th October 1942

    Guadalcanal During the fighting at Matanikau the Marines lose 190 dead and wounded and the Japanese loses are numbered at about 700.

    Eastern Front Single command is restored to the Russian Army.

    Europe A force of 100 bombers from the American Air Force carry out daylight raids on industrial plants at Lille. The British take on the night raids. Of the German aircraft that took off to intercept 100 were either destroyed or damaged.

    This Happened on the 9th October 1943

    Eastern Front On the Caucasus Front the Russians wipe out all remaining resistance by the Germans in the Taman peninsula. The German 17th Army cross in small parties into the Crimea.

    This Happened on the 9th October 1944

    Western Europe The Canadian 3rd Division of II Corps land at Breskens south of Flushing. Operations by the American 1st Division of VII Corps continue around Aachen as do the street to street fighting at Maizieres-les-Metz. Further south the American 6th Armoured Division of XII Corps try to reach Letricourt without success. The advance of the 80th Division along the banks of the river Seille is bogged down and activity on this front stops for almost a month.

    Greece More British troops underthe command of General Scobie land at Corinth but the Germans remain in control of the port of Piraeus.

    Pacific Admiral Nimitz issues the first orders for the invasion of Iwo Jima. Fixed for the 20th January 1945 with Admiral Spruance appointed to command the operation with Vice Admiral Turner in charge of the landing forces and General H.M. Smith will be in charge of the expeditionary force. All forces are to assemble in Hawaii and the Marianas.

    Marcus Island Admiral A.E. Smith commands US cruisers and destroyers who shell the coastal defences of Marcus Island, 800 miles east of the Bonin Islands.

    China Chaing Kai-shek denounces Allied strategy in souoth east asia. H eblames them for the loss of south-eastern China where the Japanese are making rapid headway towards the north wwest of Hong Kong where the American airfields are sited.

    9th – 10th October 1944 The third Moscow Conference starts with Churcill and Eden in talks with Stalin. The conference ends on the 20th October having discussed the Polish problem and Churchill agrees to give Russia complete control over Rumania. Bulgaria is also recognised as belonging to Russia and Hungary is to be equally come under Russian and Western influence though that agreement is never respected. While Greece Britain is recognised as having reserved rule.
  13. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on the 10th October 1939

    A mutual assistance agreement is signed between the UUSR and Lithuania. The city of Vilna annexed by Poland is restored to Lithuania while the Russians get air and sea bases.

    This Happened on the 10th October 1940

    Nothing reported.

    This Happened on the 10th October 1941

    Eastern Front General Zhukov is put in command of the new Western Front formed for the defence of Moscow.

    This Happened on the 10th October 1942

    Guadalcanal The Marines take up defensive positions on the east bank in readiness for the Japanese counter-offensive on the river Matanikau.

    This Happened on the 10th October 1943

    Nothing Reported

    This Happened on the 10th October 1944

    Western Europe The US 30th Division of XIX Corps makes repeated attacks but fails to reach Bardenberg. The 1st Division tightens its ring around Aachen and demands the cities surrender.

    Italian Front The American II Corps start attacks towards Bologna but with little headway. In the eastern sector of the British 8th Army the German defence along the Rubicon comes to an end with the fall of Spaccato to the 10th Indian Division of V Corps and the 46th Division takes Longiano and La Crocetta. The 1st Division gets ready to cross the river at Savignano di Romagna.

    Eastern Front In the northern sector the 1st Baltic Front reaches the Baltic in Lithuania north of Memel. Other armies on the same Front reach the river Niemen on the north east frontier of East Prussia. In the southern sector the 3rd Ukraine Front reach and cut the railway from Nish to Belgrade at Velika Plana.

    Pacific A task force of 17 aircraft carriers, 5 battleships, 14 cruisers and 58 destroyers commanded by Vice Admiral Mitscher pound the coastal defences and shipping at Okinawa and other islands of the Ryukyu group. Over 100 Japanese aircraft are brought down and some transport shipping are sunk. The Americans can now deploy a total of 1,500 warships including 80 heavy and light aircraft carriers and 17 battleships.
  14. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    This Happened on the 11th October 1939

    The French Premier, Edouard Daladier in a broadcast to the French Nation dismisses Hitler’s proposals of 6th October.

    This Happened on the 11th October 1940

    Marshal Petain says that France must free herself from the so-called friendships and enmities.

    This Happened on the 11th October 1941

    Nothing reported on this day

    This Happened on the 11th / 12th October 1942

    Guadalcanal The Air Battle of Cape Esperance. An American squadron commanded by Rear Admiral Norman Scott including the heavy cruiers San Francisco and Salt Lake City, light cruisers Boise and Helena and five destroyers were patrolling the waters off the Solomons preventing the ‘Tokyo Night Express’ bringing reinforcements and supplies was east of Savo Island. They intercepted a squadron of Japanese ships bringing heavy artillery to the Japanese on the islands. The Japanese squadron commanded by Rear Admiral Aritomo Goto was made up of the heavy cruisers Aoba, Kinugasa, and Furutaka and included two seaplane carriers and eight destroyers. During the battle which started on the evening of the 11th and lasted most of the next day the Japanese heavy cruiser Furutaka and three destroyers were sunk as well as one American destroyer, with the American cruiser Salt Lake City and Boise and two destroyers damaged. Rear Admiral Goto is killed during the battle and the Americans considered this as revenge for the defeat of Savo.
    However the Japanese managed to land about 800 men and some heavy material. They suffered very high casualties and many of the Japanese seamen refused to be picked up by American ships preferring to be eaten by the many sharks, which infested the waters.
    Huge Japanese air formations put Henderson field out of action by destroying the runway, aircraft and precious stocks of fuel

    This Happened on the 11th October 1943

    Eastern Front The Armies of the Bryansk Front under Popov tighten their hold round Gomel and manage to capture one of the suburbs. But German resistance is getting stronger.

    Italian Front In the Eastern sector where the British 8th Army operate under Montgomery the V Corps including the 78th Division and the 8th Indian Division are deployed on the right flank while XIII Corps man the central sector.

    This Happened on the 11th October 1944

    Western Europe The 30th Division of the US XIX Corps captures Bardenberg which opens the way north towards Wurselen. At Aachen the ultimatum given to the Germans within the town expires and the Americans resume with heavy artillery and air bombardments.

    Italian Front Along the whole front the Allies advance though it is now being slowed down by a more determined German defence, who fight on every ravine and hill. In the eastern sector where the British 8th Army are operating the 10th Indian Division and the 46th Division of V Corps advance towards the rivers Savio and Cesena, capturing the heights east of the river Rubicon. The Canadian 1st Division of the I Corps widens its bridgehead across the river and advances along highway 9 as far as Rigossa. The New Zealand 2nd Division establishes two bridgeheads across the Rubicon without meeting any opposition and during the night take Gatte a Mare.

    Eastern Front The 2nd Ukraine Front cross the river Tisza along a wide front at Szeged, Hungary’s second largest city. Further east they besiege Dbrecen which is another major German strongpoint in their defensive system. In a battle before Cluj the Rumanians are fighting alongside the Russians.

    Phillipines Aircraft from two task forces led by Vice Admiral Cain and Rear Admiral Davison attack Japanese airfields and other installations in the south of Luzon Island.

    China Chaing Kai-shek asks Roosevelt to recall General Stilwell immediately.

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