I often follow threads on other sites that I think would be enjoyed by the members here. However I am loath to post direct links to them here as I am not sure if its encouraged or not. So how about mods, can we post links to our favourite threads on other sites?
I think it is very much dependent on the forum, the subject and the tone of the thread. On the whole I think it is ok, but we may need to make decisions on a case by cases basis So if you have anything David then post it and if we don't like it then we will delete it But I thing those forums that don't "conflict" with us by being possible rivals should be OK. So forums like RC, rafcommands, TOCH, the Lancaster one etc should be fine
Here's one I have been following for a few days. Photo's of an RAF career 1930's to 1960's ! - Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums
I belong to many other forums and certainly I would post a link here if it was thought to be of interest to the membership. Of course, the reverse is also true. The CEFSG and the GWF routinely trade links, as not all of us can follow all the topics every day. I would say that is for the YOU CAN NOT MISS this link and not for the general THAT IS NICE link. There are probably forums that members here belong to that I have never heard of, so I am open to hearing more.
I don't think it is a problem - just start a new thread with an appropriate title and in the appropriate subforum
Here's some real nice WW2 aircraft photographs to drool over. Photos for you - might be of use........UPDATED - Britmodeller.com
Evasion and photographs Hi David, The story of the crew of the Liberator and the fantastic pictures from the modelling site have to be the best posts I have seen, so far. To say that I enjoyed the account of the escape of the crew, would be a gross understatement. The clarity of the pictures was superb. Thank you, Cheers Keith