Underground World War II caves found below Caen in northern France

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by David Layne, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Underground World War II caves found below Caen in northern France - Telegraph

    The time capsule labyrinth lies deep below the Normandy city of Caen, which was all but destroyed by British guns around D-Day, June 6th 1944.

    Largely undisturbed since, the makeshift bunkers still contain numerous reminders of a terrified population whose only thought at the time was survival.

    They include packed suitcases, tins of syrup, decaying maps and official passes, and even lady's make-up bags including nail varnish and lipstick.

    There are also children's magazines and toys, shoes, carbon lights, prayer books, and makeshift beds where people would try and rest despite the barrages.

    Many spent more than a month deep below the constant shelling from Royal Navy ships and RAF bombing. Some 2000 died, with thousands more injured.

    Caen Memorial historian Marc Pottier said the lost world was a hugely moving testament to what ordinary people went through during the war.

    He said: “During the summer of 1944 here, in Caen, 15,000 Caen refugees experienced some of the most terrible conditions imaginable. By visiting these galleries we can better understand what they went through.”

    Despite what was happening up above, Caen University archaeologist Laurent Dujardin said the caves were well organised.

    “The atmosphere is remarkably healthy - there's always a temperature of twelve degrees,” said Mr Dujardin.

    Describing a cave accessed from a tiny manhole in a garden in Rue des Roches in the suburb of Mondeville, Mr Dujardin said: “On June 6th the first refugees arrived here. They stayed here until July 12th .

    “In one cave alone there were between 500 and 600 people. Underneath the whole of Rue des Roches there were 5000 people. Each gallery is organised around a family enclosure.

    “We only re-discovered this tunnel recently, and it is one of the most interesting.”

    Many of the so-called 'carrières' were forged out of around 300 subterranean medieval quarries in Caen.

    The galleries - undoubtedly carved out of the soil by civilian and military diggers - are around 36 feet high and 300 feet longs, and divided into separate family units.

    On D-Day Caen was the principal objective for the British 3rd Infantry Division and was the scene of intense fighting right up until August.

    The old city, including many buildings dating back to the Middle Ages, was largely destroyed, with 75 per cent of buildings reduced to rubble.

    Reconstruction went on until 1962, with most of the underground shelters largely forgotten.

    Caen University hopes that at least some of the caves might one day be opened to members of the public.

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