Valley Forge

Discussion in 'Revolutionary War' started by preacherbob50, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. preacherbob50

    preacherbob50 Active Member

    Today is 23 Dec. 2014 and just 2 days before Christmas. George Washington settled his troops down at Valley Forge for the winter on 19 Dec. 1777-1778, just 6 days before Christmas. I am sure that each soldier, both the Continental Army and the British soldiers would have rather been in their homes getting ready for the season's yule offerings. They both fought for what they believed in and that made all of them brave but nonetheless homesick.

    Most of us in this forum were soldiers at one time or another and I am sure can remember what it was like to be called away for service in another country. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or do not acknowledge either one you still remember not being home during the season.

    Right now I am not only thinking of each one of you but also the ones who are called away this year and especially the ones who might not see another Yule time season at home. May each family be blessed with peace.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to each and every one of you and may God bless you mightily this coming New Year.
    Kate and jrj1701 like this.

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