War Memorial purchases 'special' medal

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    War Memorial purchases 'special' medal - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    Stella Bowen: Art, Love and War [Australian War Memorial]

    Lancaster LM523 of 460 Squadron

    Lost on mission to Friedrichshafen 27/28th April 1944

    Took off at 2127 from Binbrook. Shot down by a night-fighter and crashed at Lahr.

    S/L E G D Jarman DFC RAAF
    Sgt D G Champkin
    F/O M W Carroll DFC RAAF
    F/O F G Jackson DFC RAAF
    F/O H R Harrison RAAF
    F/O R L Neal RAAF
    P/O T J Lynch RAAF Inj Lynch was repatriated 6th Feb 1945 because of injuries on the Arundel Castle

    The DFC citation:

    Pilot Officer Eric George Delancey JARMAN (Aus. 404507), Royal Australian Air Force, No. 75 (N.Z.) Squadron.
    One night in April, 1942, this officer was the captain of an aircraft detailed to attack Cologne. Whilst over the target area, the aircraft was hit by shell fire and sustained damage. The navigator, wireless operator and the front gunner were injured but, despite this, Pilot Officer Jarman flew on to make his attack. On the return journey it was discovered that a bomb had not fallen owing to the damage caused by the enemy's shell fire whereupon Pilot Officer Jarman altered course and headed for the North Sea so that the bomb, could be jettisoned. Before reaching the sea, however, his aircraft was subjected to an attack by an enemy fighter whose fire killed the rear gunner, wounded the second pilot and inflicted further damage to the. aircraft. Skilfully controlling his bomber, Pilot Officer Jarman continued his flight and, after jettisoning the bomb intor the sea, he finally reached this country where he made a safe landing with the under-carriage retracted. In the face of extremely harassing circumstances,
    this officer displayed great coolness, courage and determination. He has completed numerous sorties' wherein, heavily defended, targets have been attacked.
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    404507 Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr) Eric Gordon Delancy Jarman, DFC, No. 460 (Lancaster) Squadron,

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