William Bullen Lund - Royal Edward torpedoed

Discussion in 'Military Biographies' started by liverpool annie, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member


    In Memory of

    18th Labour Coy., Army Service Corps
    who died
    on 13 August 1915

    Remembered with honour

    *Lieutenant, 18th Labour Company, Royal Army Service Corps. Drowned 13th August 1915. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey. Panel 199 or 233 to 236 and 331

    Extract from the Stock Exchange Memorial Book -

    LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BULLEN LUND, Army Service Corps, became a member of the Stock Exchange in 1890 and was a jobber in the American market.

    Though he had been for twenty-five years in the “House” and was father of a son serving in the army, he was not content to remain inactive at home, and obtained his commission in June 1915.

    On the completion of his training at Aldershot he left for the Dardanelles in command of the 18th Labour Company on the transport Royal Edward.

    The Royal Edward was torpedoed in the Aegean Sea on 14 August, 1915. A description of Lieut. Bullen Lund's end is given by a private in his Company:

    "About ten minutes after the ship went down I was clinging to a raft and all at once I saw someone appear above water. I got on the raft and caught hold of Lieutenant Lund by the shirt and pulled him on to the raft as well as I could. . . . I kept him on the raft with just his legs hanging in the water for more than an hour, but I'm sorry to say he never spoke after. . . A wicked sea capsized the raft and I lost him altogether. I've heard since that his body was picked up and taken to Lemnos Island and buried there. . . ."

    "I might say that Lieutenant Lund was well liked by the whole of the Company and it seems a pity, even a shame, that such an example as he was to us all should be taken from us."

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