WW2 plane contest, and greetings

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by srp, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. srp

    srp Guest

    We are in a contest and need your help today, it runs through the end of March, but each vote counts and I beleive this is the place to find people that will support us completely!! My husband and I are professional photographers, we each work in the photography industry and run a joint business. We have a passion for people and love that photography is a way of interpreting our thoughts, and translating peoples lives into a brief moment in time, which lives on and on. We have recently worked with individuals from WWII, and have fallen in love with the personal stories, no history book can express what a personal story does. We are in a contest right now and need the help of people who understand how preserving the stories and memories is necessary. Please check out our story on the Microsoft contest nameyourdreamassignment.com and we are the story "Deep in the Jungle, a lost WWII plane" for a more in depth explanation. If you want to prove our legitimacy please check out our website SlateRiverProductions.com and you can see some of our portraits under the people section, I apologize the video will not be up for a couple of months.

    If you believe in helping us by voting, here are some simple instructions to help::cheer2:
    Name Your Dream Assignment :: Deep In The Jungle, a Lost WWII Plane

    "Deep in the jungle, a lost WWII plane":plane:

    1) please go to: Name Your Dream Assignment Register
    (yes, you have to register, but it's free, and it's just a control to make sure the the voting system fair)
    2) after you register, they will send you an email confirmation. open this email, and click on the link which will redirect you to the website (Name Your Dream Assignment Home), and will have you log in.
    3) click on 'The Ideas'
    4) click on the circle that represents asia (there is a map on the right of this page)
    5) scroll down and look for the assignment named 'Deep In The Jungle, a Lost WWII Plane', click on it
    6) click 'pick it'
    7)Leave a post note, it helps the ranking, and lets us know what you think!
    Thanks for your support and blessings, Kelley and Brent

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  2. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    Welcome to the forums srp.

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