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Matt, what is the source of your information. Tomlin is neither listed with 617 (their ORB is pretty comprehensive for transfers in and out of the...
Large blank margin on left. 19inch widescreen running at 1280x960
Dear all Due to certain circumstances I shall be taking a break for two or three weeks. Hopefully, I shall back after that but it maybe a wee bit...
Enigma codebreakers of Bletchley to be honoured - Times Online Surviving codebreakers from the wartime Bletchley Park cypher school in...
F/O JF Painter (DFC)/killed in air crash/buried Surrey Whitley N1440 of 19 OTU. Took off Kinloss with a screened pilot, 3 pupil pilots and 2...
Welcome to the forum, Dan. For those who don't know Dan is the author of the superb Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and His American Volunteers,...
Sgt. I W Jenkins/25 Jun 45/Runnymede Tiger Moth DE215 of 15EFTS Crashed Ullswater Navigation exercise. Pilot allowed unauthorised control of...
There appears to be two different spellings: Stalag IXC He is probably a Belgian soldier rather than airman
Actually there were attempts to produce Allied varients of the V1 but the war ended before they could be used Republic-Ford JB-2 - Wikipedia, the...
Sgt (Obs) H. P. Black/90 Sqn/22 Jun 41/Catterick Cemetery, England B-17 AN522 crashed near Catterick Bridge, Yorkshire when control was lost during...
Why Heidi? It is a sad fact that many of the greatest British inventions have had to be developed by others because this country did/does not give...
Obituary: Geoffrey Willatt | From the Guardian | The Guardian My father, Geoffrey Willatt, who has died aged 98, was a veteran of the second...
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