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Thank you Kyt, I have very little information re photo only 1946 on the back, so I'm not sure whereabouts it's been taken. I will try and scan in my...
Addition - 43rd R.T.R. Photo I've hopefully attached a copy of 43rd R.T.R. My Dad is the 3rd on the left, 4th row down. Does anybody know much...
Hi Kyt Thanks for that, when I've zoomed in on photo everything appears more out of focus. I've just been going through my Dad's Army records and...
Thank You Thank you all for your kind welcome. I do have a copy of the 'War Bush' and as you say the REME get a passing mention. I understand...
Hi New to all this, so please excuse any mistakes! I've joined because I am trying to find out a little bit more about my Fathers time in India and...
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