Thank you.
Can anyone recognise this cap badge? Please.[ATTACH]
To know where your uncle was you should be able to get a copy of his service record, which will give details. I will check to see if I have the War...
Thank you for the information
Hi, I am still writing a book about the Canadian Servicemen that were stationed in Sussex during WW2. Anyone with any information I would be pleased...
Hi Kitty, Looking for all Canadians that were here Air Force & Naval, the majority was Army as they used the downs and beaches for training plus...
Hi, Thanks for information. I have been doing the rounds of newspapers etc., and have had some response but not a lot. The following are the...
Hi, I'm writing a book about the Canadian Servicemen that were stationed in West Sussex England during WW2. Any details that anyone has, I would...
Canada WW2. Hi Spidge, Yes, I am learning that Canada did a hell of a lot during WW2. That is why a friend and myself are writing a book about...
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