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I seem to like the majority of WW2 movies, but The Thin Red Line and Saving Private Ryan are my favorites.
Mustard gas was often used in WWI to incapacitate the enemy. I seem to recall it being used on both sides. After reading All Quiet on the Western...
I'd imagine they would be sentenced to death, and if not, would have to live in seclusion for the rest of their lives to prevent an assassination.
The media is an extremely powerful tool, especially in times of war. If used to the advantage of the government, it could completely distort the...
Completely true. Many of the men on the Confederate side were terrific strategists, including Robert Lee himself.
Yeah, I'm assuming that some of the landscape in the more rural areas hasn't recovered, especially after Sherman's burn-it-all total war mentality.
If another president had been elected, it's most probable that the US would now be split into two. While Lincoln's election antagonized the south,...
^True, the Revolution was in some respects a proxy war for the French.
That's pretty interesting. I'm assuming then that most of the blockade runners were small, and probably didn't have a lot of cargo. Perhaps they were...
I was under the impression that Britain was more bullying the US than actually trying to retake the land, e.g. trying to reduce its trade connections...
Huh, I never realized that. I was under the impression that part of the Reconstruction agreements was that all seceding states had to ratify the...
The discrimination continued even after slavery. Voting was difficult, with poll taxes, grandfather clauses, etc. after the 15th amendment.
Johnson's rising to the presidency changed Lincoln's policies pretty dramatically, if I recall correctly.
True. At the beginning, both armies were pretty much pathetic. I still remember how the Union soldiers went into the first battle thinking it would...
I agree that the southern economy was hurt a lot by the blockade, since, like Vercingetorix said, it prevented them from exporting goods to make...
Separate names with a comma.