Everyone has a next of kin, it would be the nearest relative to her, if you are as close to her as your cousin then you should be able to apply for...
Great photo Lyn, a very handsome chap. Do you know when your father became a prisoner? I don't think it was just the prisoners that were staving but...
Nice to see you back Bald Eagle. Thanks for bringing this to the forum's attention and we look forward to welcoming the Spitfire's home after all...
Its the same as it was John, forum hasn't changed just the ownership Sniper
Phil, Did either of the planes crash, if so could you give me the dates please. Mike
J.J. Can you let me know what Squadrons were involved in the raid. I will then check out where they are all buried or remembered and see if i have...
Hi Cavair I think the money would be well worth spending on her record. It would show her postings, promotion dates, training, and many other...
Hi Pete, Yes we had a huge presence in the West Indies, it was still part of the Commonwealth and we were there to defend it. The West Indies...
Hi Dan, Welcome to the forum. Sounds like a great project you have begun, and its certainly going to be a long one as you will keep getting more...
Hi Pete, Do you have a pic of her badge on her cap? Do you have any idea when she joined up? Do you know when she returned back to the UK? I would...
Hi Lyn, Welcome to the forum. I would certainly like to read about his experiences as a POW as i am researching a couple of men who died as POW's....
Thats a shame, i would of liked to of seen the camp as it was during the war. Sniper
Hi Phil, Welcome to the forum. I see your getting involved straight away which is great. Do you have a list of the men and women who were killed...
its back up and running now but was certainly down last night. Thanks 51highland Mike
Hi Phil, Firstly welcome to the forum. I was born at St Athan in the late 50's and was based there with the paras for a short time. My grandfather...
Hi, Is there any of our members planning on visiting Singapore in the near future? If so would you be able to take some photos at the Singapore...
Welcome to the forum Ingrid, Hope you have a long and happy stay here and that you will join in with more tings on the forum. Sniper
Has anyone else had problems getting on the CWGC website tonight. I've not heard that they are down for maintenance but it is a possibility. Sniper
Hi 530, It looks like the weapon belonged to a Leutnant JR Necker probably of a pioneer unit going by the symbol of the pick. Probably taken of him...
Nice one Paul, Still trying to get to the ones in Bollington for you, hopefully get there this summer. Sniper [Mike
Separate names with a comma.