Hi Ray, Thanks for putting the rest of the story up, i put my bit up for post readers so they can see the basic story of the last flight of these...
For those that are interested here is the record for the aircraft. 101 Squadron flying a Lancaster 111 LM472 SR-V2 on Operation Brux. Crew members...
Hi Laura, Your right about Horace being a Gordon Highlander, that is certainly the cap badge of the Gordon's. I am pretty sure that as he served in...
Hi Ray, Bit of info you might not have on Ludford Magna. No. 101 Squadron was moved to the domestic comforts of nearby Binbrook in October 1945...
Hi Ray, If i head to Lincolnshire at anytime i will see if i can geet to Ludford Magna and get some pics for you. Give me a few days and i will see...
Laura, Try contacting the MOD again after about 6 months. They are always snowed under with requests but it goes on priority and family history...
Hi Laura, Welcome to the forum. I will try to help you if i can unravell the records. First lets deals with Frank. There are many jobs he could of...
Hi Jonbard, Do you have a photo of his wargrave? I will check what records i have and see if it may shed some light on how he died. It looks like he...
Hi Gerald, welcome to the forum. Looking at the pics i would say that they were taken between the 1920's - 1940's going by the style of the cars in...
Thanks Lee, how are things going?
Hi Canberra Man, Welcome to the forum from another veteran. Also did the cadet thing but as a civilian instructor with Air Cadets but as a Sgt...
Nice one Nick, pity we can't identify the pilots. Sniper
Hi All, I would like to wish all our members and visitors a very merry christmas and a happy new year from myself and Kitty. Thankyou for...
Hi Ken, Must admit i had not heard of that rank before except for those involved with the Corps Band. And so far i have no photos of a headstone...
Hi St Helena, Its a pity that the photo does not show him wearing his beret and its not a good photo to see his button badge on his chipbag hat. If...
Hi Ken, I would say this guy is a POW as its unlikely he went along on a joyride on a bomber. I think he was probably made captive during 1939-40...
Hi NormieB, Welcome to the forum. Were there any territorial units in the Sydney area of the bridge at the time you are requesting the imformation...
The wedding went off without a hitch and we had a wonderful day. We had a honeymoon down in sunny Dorset which was a terrific break. Only bad thing...
Hi St Helena, Not sure if this is the right person but it seems to be about the right time scale. The link is to a company that was started by Hugo...
Separate names with a comma.