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I agree that the show became more dismal as it went along. Was this due to viewer's complaints that it was too light? I remember one episode where...
I understand that Federal money from the Civil War, like all US currency, can be spent at face value. I realize that since the Confederacy was never...
This would depend on how much you wanted to see battlefield scenes, and wanted it accurate, or if you were looking for a fictional story to go with...
Andrew Jackson was a famous war hero, known to defend his honor at all costs, but he was also known for other things. He was known to treat his...
We often hear that there was no compassion when there were enemy wounded. I have even heard in this war, as well as the Revolutionary War that...
As the gun would have been mounted as a cannon, I would think it would be difficult to move around in unforgiving terrain and over long marches. I...
I realize that the Gatlin gun was the first machine gun, and it was long before WWI, but it was like a cannon, and they used a crank. I am wondering...
I don't know a great deal about guns, modern or antique, but the weapons of this era seemed gaudy. That may not be the best word, as some of the...
I have been following this story for some time, because a time capsule was found in my state capital last year, and when opened, the wax cylinders...
Thank you for the information. It makes sense. The cash crops were not edible. Were they able to even sell them? My thoughts would be that the North...
I recently saw an artificial leg from the Civil War period in a local museum. It got me wondering who actually received them? Were they expensive for...
The soldiers did not seem to have enough supplies, clothing, and food. This was especially true of the Southern soldiers. Some did not even have the...
I am trying to understand why black men fought in the American Civil War. The first thing that comes to mind is why would they want to be involved?...
I really enjoy the movie "Cold Mountain". It is about a man who fights for the South for three years before he finally decides to become a deserter...
When I think of Civil War battles, I always think of the "sawbones". Because most people had not even heard of the theory of germs (including most...
I have also heard about the supposed "legal slaves" in jail. Please answer me this, why just black people? Why could there not also be people forced...
The First Barbary (Tripolitian) War (1801-1805) was the first Congress-authorized war that the United States fought away from her boundaries. The war...
I was wondering why soldiers facing off in previous wars stood so close to one another, without taking shelter? They basically lined up to get shot....
I think a majority of it was true. I had always read that militia usually broke rank and fled, so I don't know that it represents an accurate detail...
By American casualties, the Civil war hands down was the worst. At least 625,000 people were killed on both sides. What made it worse, was that we...
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