Everett was definitely an outstanding orator of the time. When Lincoln was told that Everett would get top billing, he promised that his own part...
Well... uh.... ummm... he's tall. Yes, we'll go with that, he's tall. Therein lies the only similarity I can come up with. (Although still 3...
Ah ha! So let me get this straight... you tried to beat ol' Kate to the punch with the breaking headline again and retribution was swift? Well now...
It wouldn't have just been getting out of a state... this would have been choosing to be cut off from your family, most likely forever. Passions ran...
Uh... wow. That's about as powerful of a cartoon as I've seen in a long time. I guess the cartoons, political or not, that hit the hardest are...
Well now, them's just fightin' words to this Yankee gal, Mister Preacher Man! It's only one keystroke different, BUT Gettysburg is not in...
Doesn't sound crazy to me (says the gal who doesn't want her ceramic guardian angel that's sitting on the shed and looking over the house and...
Thanks, @DancingLady . The more I looked at the pic, I realized that the cannons seem to be straight.. telling me, unless I'm totally missing...
North Carolina was an extremely pro-confederacy state... plus soldiers were sent around to conscript people who didn't enlist. If I'd have to guess,...
I was using the 26th North Carolina roster this morning and came across a totally fascinating story! It is a story of desertion, fighting for both...
Elections... even those of the mid-term kind, take two to four years to come around again. I'm thinking a huge amount of damage can be done before...
On a personal level, I agree. It's what I was taught, and it's what I taught my daughter... admit error, ask for forgiveness. In the political...
By golly, I *do* believe you're onto something here! I *do* remember finding that little "Inspected by 5" tag in packages of unmentionables (hey,...
Okay so let's say, for the sake of argument, that this is true "on paper." Chemical Warfare... disgusting, horrible, shocking... but unless you have...
Careful there, yer naughty streak is showing! :eek: And someone named "preacherbob" is not allowed to tell fibs. Or fiblets! hehe Does she own...
Aw, thank you for saying that. It can get frustrating, but once I started "feeling" (internalizing, I should say) that each name was someone's son,...
What a totally neat story, @Diptangshu ! Sgt Stubby has quite a military record there! Do you think he ever used his Legion membership? :p JUST...
o_O A blind squirrel, eh?! I think I have some of those in the back yard. It's not really so hard finding people like "John Smith" with the...
Are you moonlighting as a doc there, @preacherbob50 ??!! Seriously! My dearest friend on the planet (or any planet! :p ) is a doctor and told me...
I agree with @Interrogator#6 ... Kyushu War Diary sounds better and more descriptive to me. Maybe even something with the date so your readers will...
Separate names with a comma.