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After hearing the term "Battle Police " .... I thought I would try and find out about them .... these are the only 2 references I can find .........
Two sons of the Six Nations Cayuga chief Alexander George Smith, served overseas as officers and both were awarded the Military Cross (MC) for...
Mr. Hugh M. Ingledew, the Cardiff solicitor and a well known South Wales figure, died today at his residence, Penhill House, Cardiff, after suffering...
The son of a missionary, he was born in Bombay, India, and raised in Persia (Iran), educated by a governess and his father. He distinguished himself...
In Memory of Second Lieutenant WILLIAM FREDERICK CECIL McGARRY 6th Bn., Royal Dublin Fusiliers who died on 10 August 1915 Remembered with honour...
I'm not sure if Thomas went to war or not ... does anybody know ?? GORDON, THOMAS GISBORNE 1852-1935 Thomas Gordon was educated at Rugby and...
Patsy didn't go to war ... but he kept up the moral of the Irish during the dark days !! Patrick Gallagher was born in Milford, County Donegal. He...
In Memory of Second Lieutenant JOHN RAMSAY FITZGIBBON HALL 2nd Bn., Royal Dublin Fusiliers who died age 21 on 24 May 1915 Son of Mr. and Mrs....
In Memory of Chaplain 4th Class The Rev. JOHN GWYNN Army Chaplains' Department attd. 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 12 October 1915...
In Memory of Private JOHN ALOYSIUS DOYLE 26612, "D" Coy. 10th Bn., Royal Dublin Fusiliers who died age 20 on 21 October 1916 Son of Elizabeth and...
Alden Davison was one of those rare and magnetic souls who secure without effort the affection of all who meet them. Few young men of his day were...
In Memory of Colonel HERBERT CLIFFORD BERNARD Commanding 10th Bn., Royal Irish Rifles who died age 50 on 01 July 1916 Born at Cheltenham. Son of...
In Memory of Second Lieutenant HERBERT SIMPSON 6th Bn., Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) who died age 30 on 07 July 1916 Only...
In Memory of Second Lieutenant FRANK LESLIE REYNOLDS 11th Bn. attd. 15th Bn., Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) who died age 22 on...
Heres an interesting little book !! :) http://www.janetandrichardsgenealogy.co.uk/thanet's_raid_history.htm
Lieutenant Charles Bernard Davies Royal Dublin Fusiliers Charles was born at Cardiff on the 5th June, 1894, the son of Mr. D.E. Davies, of the...
In Memory of Company Serjeant Major JOSEPH SMITH Mentioned in Despatches F/308, 17th Bn., Middlesex Regiment who died age 27 on 13 November...
Remembered on Armistice Day !! http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.17431
A new site has been started with the opportunity to include your Soldiers from both wars as well as others who had a connection with Liverpool ! :)...
Albert Dillon Sturtevant was the first aviator in either the army or the navy to be brought down in action in the service of the United States....
Separate names with a comma.