Thanks Kyt. On the back of the photo, it say. Support Coy 1st Bn London Irish Rifles. Marching into annual camps. ? ? ? Folkestone Kent....
He was the best ever Andy. I just wished I'd asked him more about his time in Africa and Burma.
Last lot. This one looks like it was taken in Africa. I am still trying to find some from Burma...
And some more.............. It's great to see all these photo's again!!
And more photo's of Sgt Petts.
I have just scanned some photo's of my grandad, and would like to share them with you. I have zoomed into him from each photo too.
Mine is my daughter,
In certainly is the end of a chapter. R.I.P
The kids and I usually pop in the IWM at the weekends. They had a sale on :clapping: I got 6 camo mugs, £1.00 each. A camo bag now £4.99 was...
OMG Poor Woman. And she wants to see you again!!!! I hope she is planning her revenge lol
Here is a message I received today from Clydebank Council. :) Karen Suitable sites for the memorial are still under consideration in...
Kitty it is a girl, I have passed on all your advice. Thanks sgt petts
A Great Man......... R.I.P
I have just emailed them, fingers crossed it'll be soon. :becky:
Hi Kyt Mmmmmmmm I guess it will be Nov 11th this year then!!! I was hoping to visit Glencoe again, but in the warmer weather. I will email...
I am looking forward to them ;-)
Hi Sniper, I wish they allowed girls in when I was younger. We have three to check out, The London Irish (Camberwell) London Scottish...
Oh dear!!!!!!! That would be a great one for a fancy dress wouldn't it. I dread to think the mess the kids would get in with the ketchup, and...
Hi I need your help!!!!!!!! A friend of mine has recieved a letter from her daughters school. They are having a WW2 day, and the kids need to...
Thanks Sniper, Dad and I keep meaning to visit the museum, and the London Irish which is just a bus ride from me. Think I'll go next month, when...
Separate names with a comma.