Bollington is in the hills above Macclesfield. I'll try to remember to give him a heads up on this one. However it has given deplorable weather all...
i think batten down the hatches and go along for the ride.
does H2o count?
welcome to the forum Barry. I would suggest you contact James via his regisetered email address as he has not been active for some time on the...
Hasn't an Oz soldier just been awarded the Australian VC today for bravery in Afghanistan?
don't they always? Least there is the chance the Oz government will put a stop to that. I assume its the old 'act of God' excuse they use here?
nice to know you are doing ok JOhn, you've been very quiet around the forum and i was wondering where the boxer had gone to!
afraid the RAF can be like that. Keep up the interviews as you say, and then I am afraid you will probably need to travel for the amount of research...
with aerosol cream if memory serves correctly
I know we all overdid it this year, I certainly did. So was santa very kind to you?:D
Welcome to the forum Themis. First things first I think you need to sit down with all the older generation and record their stories and memories....
welcome to the forum Martin. Which particular areas are you interest?
welcome to the forum balloon. Can you tell us some stories about the lady herself?
welcome to the forum Stephen. Have you made contact with the RM association? a lot of the old Bootnecks will be members
since the end of WW2 the UK has only had one year without a serviceman or woman being killed on active service. That was 1968.
sniper and I observed the silence, being on a week off work together. started the 2 minutes by the sound of a gun going off at Foxhall Barracks, then...
as i understand the cuts, 1 in 6 deployable battalions will go. all the harriers and tornados will go, to be eventually replaced with the new strike...
a familiar tale unfortunately.
My town council still had the big white plaques given out in WW2 for raising funds for the wings for victory/salute the soldier/warship weeks. All...
I've been kicked in the shoulder by a cow, is that close enough?
Separate names with a comma.