Welcome Mosquito, We have another Mossy that may be along soon. As far as getting in personal contact, you are most welcome to discuss your...
Aboriginal Servicemen were given the vote in Federal elections in 1949 so I would say all other servicemen and women were allowed to vote pre and...
Hi David and welcome from Australia. What is you interest in WW2? Cheers Geoff
Hi Rosy, Although Australia was 12,000 miles away, the losses of Australians in the RAAF/RAF (Bomber Command) over Germany were the greatest....
Hi AJW, I have a stone of Shannon's wife Ann at Clifton-Hamden with a mention of David which makes me wonder if it was just her grave and they...
If you are the NOK you can apply to the MoD for his Army records, which in the UK costs about 30 pounds. This information should answer most of your...
I know that they refer to where and when they were made however it is not my field at all. My interest goes as far as loading my Remington .243...
Talk about a charmed life. Someone up there liked you for sure. My cousin was a bit like that. He was a Lt. Commander on the Melbourne (Aircraft...
The Australian participation from the AWM! http://www.awm.gov.au/atwar/korea.asp Cheers Geoff
Good to see them going down Paul. I am just over 9,000 of 11,200. France, PNG & the Middle East are my hard slogs. Cheers Geoff
Hi Colin, The question marks were because I was not sure. The "CON" comes up quite alot in my RAAF research for "posting on discharge" however I do...
101 CON version unit? AA Regimental Workshops of the 2/13th Battalion?
Where have you been hiding? Not down in Tennessee in the Valley of the Three Forks of the Wolf? Hope all is well with you. Cheers Geoff
Welcome Captain Parker. Is that Fess with the Cap in the avatar? Cheers Geoff
Pride and Joy Hi Gav, I had that empty feeling when I had one of my old cars stolen. I hope your bike was insured. I have an all wheel drive V8...
The Siege of Malta commences 11th June 1940 On 11 June 1940, the day after Italy declared war on Britain and France,...
What in particular has led the parties to conclude that the initial finding was incorrect? Was there a witness that gave confirmation that it was...
Aussies can as she can only threaten! Cheers Geoff
WW1 was where they tested every new way to slaughter each other. Charging out of the trenches into the cross fire of the machine gun must have been...
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