Hello Cousin. Between us we have 4 of the 5 uniformed services represented: I was medically discharged fom the Navy so joined the Army. I call you...
OMG. Do not use Drunk "History" to learn History any more than you would use drunk driving to learn how to drive.
Woah. Never spoken? This brave fighter for a time paid the bills by traveling to colleges where he was invited to speak on a variety of subjects....
Welcome to the community. We have a bunch of good people, and even some misfits, mostly interested in military history. I remember the passionate...
Hello Chris, and welcome. Wow, your father was taken off the beach. Did he tell any tales or was it, like so many others, too painful to relate?
There are anadotes from the ACW of Freemasons somehow recognizing that POWs were brother masons, and therefore pledged to assist their captive....
How much, Nailah, do you really know of the situation in America in the years 1938-1941(7 Dec.)? I ask because there was a lot being done both...
Yes, the show started out as Hy-jinks in Khaki, but it evolved, as I wrote above. I doubt any who skipped from the first season directly to the...
Andy, KopiOhPeng, you say you are confused as to phrase in the cited song: Could the PXC have been rather PFC (meaning Private First Class) which...
Hello Andy, KopiOhPeng, and welcome to the discussion. I do not recall reading "Japan's Longest Day". Can you furnish Author or Publisher? Date...
Nailah, me thinks thou doth paint with too large of brush. The way you write one might think everyone hated everyone else universally and...
"I wonder what type of woman would pose that long in the nude"? One of the sisters of Napoleon, Emperor of France, for one. He had many, I forget...
Nailah, I too wish to believe that some politicians actually speak truth on at least a regular basis. Several of my elected representatives have...
Charles Lindberg, the aviator, was the son of a US Congressman.
Charles Lindberg was the last surviving flag-raiser from atop Mount Surabachi on Iwo Jima.
Yes. Yes, I can be a fan of 'alternative histories' if well done. That is to say I have read a few such novels which were so bad.... I still...
Apollo... (may I call you Apollo?), I read "Man in the High Tower" many years ago, 30-35 years. I enjoyed it. I thought it thoroughly entertaining...
Recently a couple were in the city for an evening out. The man noticed his watch had stopped. He asked a passing stranger "What time is it?" who...
Mac, I have a few immediate questions. You say you shoot a RIFLED Flintlock. I presume it is a mussle-loading fowling piece rather than a...
Yes, the media is quick to play the "Islamic Terrorist" card while almost never do we hear "Christian Terrorist" mentioned. It is almost as if there...
Separate names with a comma.