It is hard to say with precision but it is clear military necessity greatly accelerated aeroplane development. I dare say in the 4-5 years of war...
The safety of the Enigma machine was in the HUGE number of permutations and combinations the machine theorically produced. Each depression of a key...
But the South did resort to irregular tactics. Some were quite good at it. There was even a popular TV series about this in the 1950s. Have you...
On the contrary, the Brits did not quickly break Enigma, it was the Poles who were the first to slowly pry their way into Enigma. They had a small...
Thomas, you have opened a "can of worms", broached a dangerous topic which may lead lead to the destruction of this web-site. Your query is not...
I thought this exact topic was just covered 2-6 weeks ago. It was not in Germany' interest to have to conquer and occupy Helvinia (Switzerland)....
How was trading done? I am not certain as I was not there but I am lead to understand there were periods of relative peace and calm lasting for...
The Confederate Mint at New Orleans issued coins only in 1861 and 1862 for the city of New Orleans was captured by Union forces in 62.
Prior to the ACW much American currency was not even "legal tender" (government issued) but bank-notes. Bank-notes was script issued by BANKS, with...
I know Winston C. had time served in the British Army. He served in Sudan? in 1895, in the Boer War (1898-1900), and in the trenches in WWI command...
If memory serves me, the reason for most of the decryption done by the English was due to a present they recieved from Russia: a copy of the German...
The only title I can contribute concerns one man's experience with the clearing of the seaport in Eritrea (then northern Ethiopia). It was "Under...
Ah, interesting question. You are comparing Apples with Oranges. One one hand you discuss LEGAL TENDER issues, while on the other you deal with...
I do not have any information regarding ACW battlefield compassion towards wounded enemies. I would think such information would be scarce. Most...
Thank you, Alexander, for this reference. For those who missed it, one example was found at the Battle of Peterborough being used by the CSA. The...
There was a considerable amount of variance between the image of the Japanese which was sold to the American John Q. Public and the Japanese as...
Yes, the Gattling gun was mounted in a similar fashion to a cannon, including cassons. But this was due to the weight of these early machine-guns...
The latest word to reach me through de-classified sources is that the recent activity in France was done by persons with NO connection with ISIS, but...
It was tragic to lose a limb at any time, slightly better than losing one's life. But the tragdy of the whole-sale loss of limbs in the ACW lead to...
I have fired and mis-fired smooth bore flintlocks of the American Revolutionary War era many times one summer (1973?) as a tourguide. There is even...
Separate names with a comma.