Beauforts? I might have said Blenheims but as they are low over water, and a Beaufighter would look less angular, I'll make Beauforts my "final...
Thats right! I have complicated things by asking two questions at once that were answered by different people, so I guess the next question will...
Our government has decided that the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight is expendable - and are threatening to withdraw funding. http://petitions....
CXX Right about the Martin PBM Mariner, but not the other one. I can see why you think Wyvern, but this one is a much smaller aeroplane and...
Ok, I doubt I will be able to come up with anything obscure enough to tax all of you, but try these. I can't promise they will be British, but...
Give me a day or so, I've stayed a bit long on other sites tonight!
Hi Keith The first one you posted is a De Havilland DH91 Albatross; originally an Imperial Airways/BOAC airliner; this one is in RAF colours....
I've worked out that 48 sqdn was a Coastal Command unit operating Hudsons at the time. Therefore unlikely to be involved in the "Channel Dash" except...
A very determined and courageous gentleman...
Hi John The leading sites for WW1 research, at least over here in the UK but with a lot of Australian users, are the Great War Forum:...
Thanks for sharing these Keith. Making powered, working models is something I have never got into; it would be a whole new skill for me. But,... Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who died on January 4 aged 93, was the only person...
Hi Keith These look very interesting! Is the second one back the Tirpitz or Bismark, or something else? And is that a "Brave Borderer" in the...
I know in theory that if you skid you are supposed to reduce pressure on the brakes and pump them so that they regain grip: but every time I've...
The food supply is a lottery to say the least, but we've got some version of most of what we need. Now Bromley Council are saying they have...
Courage of a different kind... Freya von Moltke, who has died aged...
I think it was just a Socialist Conspiracy to increase State Control and boost the profits of companies that make expensive light bulbs that take...
Sorry to bear bad news! If the nose machine guns are mounted slightly below the extreme tip of the nose, and the nose curves down from the...
Happy New Year everyone! I can get into the site easily enough, but it defaults to the forum page rather than Portal, which I cannot find at all....
I trust its not the Airfix 1/72 scale FBVI which had a nose that was horrendously mis-shaped, and other faults such as too-narrow tyres. Having said...
Separate names with a comma.