Alfred George Drake 8th Battalion of The Rifle Brigade

Discussion in 'Military Biographies' started by liverpool annie, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    A lectern was dedicated to Arthur George Drake at St.Thomas Church Arbour Square Stepney .......

    Stepney, St. Thomas, Arbour Square (1838) bombed 1940 closed 1940 church gone (?) 1951 parish united to St. Dunstans.

    Parish is no. 15 on outline map

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  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Miracles happen sometimes don't they ?? ....... ;)

    This is from the Stepney Times 15/4/1923 !!

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  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    War Memorial at Saint Michael’s Church ... I can't find a big picture of it though only small ones !! :( plus ... I'm not sure if this is the right one !! )

    This war memorial by R. R. Goulden can be found outside Saint Michael’s Church in Cornhill, just to the right of the entrance. It is a small bronze figure of a winged St. Michael holding a sword above his head. Four children are below on the left, and two what look to be Panthers are fighting on the right.
    The bronze inscription attached to the stone pedestal records that 170 of the 2130 men that enrolled on that particular spot, lost their lives in World War One. In 1927 a replica was unveiled by Field-Marshall Lord Plumer at Neuve Chapelle.

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  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    The more I think about it - the more I think that that snippet from the paper - is three different events ... ( I thought at first the the first two paragraphs were connected ... !! )

    So I've been searching for the memorial to Arthur George Drake VC in Stepney .... I can't find one ...

    do you think that that was bombed too ??

    Annie :)
  5. Andy Pay

    Andy Pay Member

    Little snippet from today, I was looking at Tryon's papers and the file I have on him as an 8th RB Officer:D and had forgotten that I had this. The memorial tablet in the church in Rutland to the losses suffered by the family in WW1, tragic.


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  6. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    That is a tragic family !

    Thanks for letting us see that Andy !


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