Avatars & Signatures

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by CTNana, May 27, 2008.

  1. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    The Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) is the official floral emblem of Australia ... The wattles blooms at the beginning of Spring. The bush is sometimes a sea of Gold.

    I feel that to select the wattle as my avatar allows "ME" to think of all the Aussies who served/captured/wounded/murdered, rather than by Service or civilian occupation or which state they came from.

    Makes sense to me.:D

  2. blacksnake

    blacksnake New Member

    My Avatar is a match for my username ... The image itself was kindly given to me by esteemed member David Layne after his encounter with a real live Alabama Blacksnake.

    My signature is a photo I took of the (French) sculpture on Omaha Beach at the St. Laurent Draw, entitled "Les Braves". I use it to signify the bravery of ALL those that took part in D-Day.
  3. Buster

    Buster "Deep down 'ere in'nit Chief?!"

    My avatar is the first boat I served on HMS Ocelot.

    My sig is a converstation between myself and a young part three trainee, who went very white, and wandered off very quietly.

    Oh and the badge is the Submariners award, worn by qualified ubmariners above thier medals. I wore one for 23 out of my 27 years service.
  4. robbielynne

    robbielynne New Member

    My avatar is Excalibur/ Lady of the Lake from the King Authur Legends..I have always liked those legends/myths of King Authur..and I came across this one and it just appealed to me..
  5. Buster

    Buster "Deep down 'ere in'nit Chief?!"

    Quest for Merlin by Nikolai Tolstoy.

    A study into the Arthurian legends and of course Merlin..... or perhaps the Merlin

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