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Avro Lancaster

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by spidge, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Aren't they meant to be getting her flying as a memorial to 97?

    Owen, shame you weren't there last year for the BBMF launch. god i was fangirling.

    Duxford BBMF 087.jpg

    What a day, 5 Spits, 2 Hurris, a Lanc and a Dakota, all playing silly buggers.
  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    The Kiwi one, Kitty? I haven't heard any word of that which doesn't mean a lot. She seems to be fairly well ensconsed at MOTAT and would be a considerable attraction for the museum.
  3. rlaughton


    Come to Canada, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, and you can take a flight in an Avro Lancaster Bomber. It didn't mean a lot to me until I stood inside that monster (no it was flight worthy when I was there - it is now). Check it out here on their web site:

    Take A Ride

    The Avro Lancaster

    Lancaster Photographs

    Give me a call if you are in Town or nearby.


  4. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I always remember reading a story about her restoration in an article from about 1989. One of the ladies on the team stripped the bomb bay doors of recently applied paint after something went wrong with the process. Her main tool? Toothpicks! Now that's dedication.
  5. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    During my fathers service with 50 Conversion Flight, 1661 H.C.U. and
    97 Squadron he flew in a total of 19 Lancasters, they being:

    L7534, R5907, W4122, W4271, W4164, R5896, W4355, R5609, W4249,

    ED425, ED862, ED880, ED869, ED923, ED816, ED917, ED869, ED866, JA708.

    I am trying to get a photograph of each aircraft. So far I have got one, R5896 in which he went to St. Nazaire on April 2 1943.

    This was the last operation that R5896 flew with 97 Squadron. It was transferred to 1660CU and then on to 15 Squadron and was struck of charge April 7 1944.

    The picture was taken when R5896 was with 15 Squadron.
  6. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Here's a nice picture of 83 Squadron Lancaster OL-T ED 601.

    From "Lost Bombers"

    Further Information
    "Serial Range ED303 - EE202 This aircraft was one of 620 Lancasters ordered from A.V.Roe (Chadderton) in 1941 and built as 129 Mk.1s and 491 Mk.111s from Nov42 to Jun43, mixed up to Ed782 and all as Mk.111s from ED783 onwards. The Nk.1s were initially fitted with Merlin 20 and the Mk.111s with merlin 28 engines. ED601 was a Mk.1 and was delivered to 83 Sqdn 18Feb43, joining 207 Sqdn 12Nov43. ED601 took part in the following Key Operations: With No.83 Sqdn as OL-T, Nuremburg 25/26Feb43; St.Nazaire 28Feb/1Mar43; Berlin 1/2mar43; Nuremburg 8/9Mar43; Berlin 27/28Mar43; Berlin 29/30Mar43; Essen 3/4apr43; Stettin 20/21Apr43; Dortmund 23/24May43; D_sseldorf 25/26May43; D_sseldorf 11/12Jun43; Cologne 3/4Jul43; Hamburg 24/25Jul43; Hamburg 2/3Aug43. With No.207 Sqdn as EM-N, Berlin 18/19Nov43; Berlin 22/23Nov43; Berlin 26/27Nov43; Berlin 2/3Dec43- Lost. When lost this aircraft had a total of 467 hours. Airborne 1637 2Dec43 from spilsby. Crashed near Saalow, 6 km SW of Zossen. They were originally all buried at Saalow, they have been subsequentlyre-interred in the Berlin 1939-45 War Cemetery. The village of Kreis-Teltow is also mentioned on the Loss Card in connection with burials pertaining to this crew. P/O A.Mann KIA Sgt S.Martin KIA F/O H.F.C.Bonner KIA P/O E.V.Harley KIA Sgt A.S.Rushby KIA Sgt F.L.Brisco RCAF KIA Sgt N.F.Petty KIA "
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    DL, what's going on with her rear turret? Is that a metal panel, censor's work or just a trick of the light?

    A very pleasant photo, thank you.
  8. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Attached Files:

  9. Nostalgair

    Nostalgair New Member

    Hi All,

    Here's an interesting angle of the Lancaster at Andy's old stomping ground, Bull Creek.

    View attachment 1869


  10. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Ah, so that's what I look like with a mask on. Never did see the finished product after they modelled that mannikin on me...

    One of three known Lancs in the southern hemisphere. Excellent BC display, wish I had got there again before we left.
  11. Couple of photos from Margates BIG event a few weeks ago...

  12. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Lovely pics, cheers
  13. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Love that long distance shot, Vince. Really different.
  14. Nostalgair

    Nostalgair New Member

    Great snaps!


  15. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    What a buzz job with 3 engines shut down!

  16. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I remember this pic from somewhere. Going by the buzz number, must be post war.
  17. Nostalgair

    Nostalgair New Member

    Great shot again David.


  18. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Here's a sad looking 97 Squadron Lancaster.

  19. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Here's one with saddle tanks.

  20. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Buzz job coming your way.


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