Black Thursday 16th Dec 1943

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Gage, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. BC1

    BC1 New Member

    Halifax LK899 crashed in the river Deben near Felixstowe Ferry. We found some debris at the site in 1982, including a "Rebecca" aerial which I showed to Max Gaskin when he visited our museum a few years later. Max told me that one of the reasons the crash occurred was that Flying Control at Woodbridge ELG could not tell them "in the clear" about the hazard of the radar masts at Bawdsey as they made a long, low approach from the East.

  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Great extra detail on the loss, BC.

    Jerome, I take it that Lysander loss (very experienced pilot) is the seventh SOE loss of the night that Spidgeman was alluding to earlier -

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