Poland May Sue Author of Book on Treatment of Jews

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Unfortunately it wasn't as clear cut as lack of arms or Jewish groups working with the Soviets. There was a degree of antisemitism, even if it wasn't an official AK policy. The link in post #2 is worth reading.

    And these are just a couple of sample pages from Poland's Holocaust by Piotrowski

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  2. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I know it is anecdotal but many years ago I read an autobiography called "For those I loved" by Martin Gray. It is one of the most moving and thought provoking books that I have ever read. He describes his years in the Warsaw Ghetto before being taken to a concentration camp, from which he escaped. I can remember being stunned to read of the antisemitism he then encountered from partisans and the Russians.
  3. BDF

    BDF Guest

    I have no problem with saying there was antisemitism in Poland or in the AK. There was antisemitism, after all, in all of Europe, in America, etc. What I do have a problem with is linking Polish antisemitism with the holocaust. Or nkvd pogroms with common Poles. Lets not forget that even 20 years later blacks were being hung from trees in the US, and in contrast to Kielce, in most cases the perpetrators were never cought and given a fake trial and put to death. So everytime I discuss the US's contribution to WW2, should I refer to Americans as racists?
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Depending upon context, the answer would be yes. There are plenty of references out there, and discussions, about the racism endured by black military personnel, including the riots between black and white GIs 5 minutes from house.

    And in context, we can talk about the racism in America against the Japanese, both against Nipponese soldiers, and in their internment of Japanese-American citizens.

    And in context, we can talk about British racism against Indian and African personnel.

    Basically, the discussion is open to any situation or topic where there is clear evidence that a particular group acted negatively against another due purely to the others race or religion.
  5. BDF

    BDF Guest

    sorry, wrong link mistook this for another thread.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    BDF I would prefer it if you stated your argument/case, rather than just posting a link back to an old thread on this site. I accept the link, but please state your case as well.
  7. BDF

    BDF Guest

    "Nearly all the literature written to this day - and many books as well as articles have been written about the uprising of the Warsaw Jews - is either a terrible falsification by those seeking their own fame while forgetting about others, or it is a mistake which results from a lack of knowledge and trusting relationship with surviving eyewitnesses, who fabricated their stories and shortened versions, making others look less significant and themselves more appealing - wrote Chaim Lazar-Litai in his book Masada in Warsaw. There was also official communist propaganda in Poland which gave a false picture of the uprising from the very beginning.
    The Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB - Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) acted as the only counted-for participant in the uprising, despite the fact that her real involvement in the uprising was secondary. Her unveiling by communist historians, was decided by the official pro-Soviet orientation. As a consequence, the Polish leaders silenced the participation of the closely knit with the Polish Home Army, Jewish Military Organization (ZZW - Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy). With many more men, better armory, and trained by Polish instructors, they held a long lasting resistance against the Germans (from the 19th until the 27th of April 1943). For a comparison - badly armed and unprepared for combat, the warriors of ZOB were only able to defend themselves effectively for about eleven hours on the first day of the uprising. The fall of communism did not stop the conspiracy regarding ZZW. To this day there are plenty of those supporting the 'historical killing' of the truth about the participation of ZZW soldiers in the uprising. A demand for this enormous lie still exists; the only thing that has changed is its foundation. The Polish vision of "anti-Semitism", forced by pro-Jews and the Jewish movement cannot stand to measure up with facts from Polish-Jewish brothers in arms. In the midst of rampant lies and half-truths about the Polish Warsaw Uprising, it is worth to take a look at two Jewish publications The truth about the Warsaw uprising authored by Jewish publicist Aleksandra Swiszczewa, who appeared in "Shalom New York", as well as "Changing faces of memory: Who defended the Warsaw Ghetto?"

    Source: Moshe Arsen, published in the "Jerusalem Post" on April 23rd 2003

    Who armed the ZZW?
    Read up on the Jewish Military Union here, you will probably learn alot:

    Jewish Military Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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