Jodi uses Imigrain nasal spray and a variety of tablets on occasion. At times though, nothing touches it. RAVE: Looks like another Kittyhawk has flown in Australia. RANT: it's not mine!
RANT: Why does Ozland get all these purdy planes flying, but noone over here really makes the effort?
You're a funny bugger, Kitty. Have you seen how many Spits and Hurris you have not to mention, ahem, the Lanc?!
Rant ..... Just as I start coming to terms with the fact that my outside doesn't match how I feel on the inside ...... ( I think I'm 18 till I look in the mirror and then I get a bl**dy shock !!!!!!! ) I get junk mail from the Neptune Society asking if I want to start a pre - need cremation plan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brick: Rave ...... I threw it away !! :loco:
Just as I start coming to terms with the fact that my outside doesn't match how I feel on the inside ...... ( I think I'm 18 till I look in the mirror and then I get a bl**dy shock !!!!!!! ) Know just how you feel!
About as tall as one too. :bolt: I keep thinking this year I'll be 33. In the next thought I always catch myself thinking, "Gee, why did I ever look up to 33 year olds? They weren't exactly mature!"
LOL, neither, just reflecting on how I'm always surprised that I still haven't really grown up in my head.
No younger women have to see that! I would have mailed it striaght back to them,and give them the same shooked that you went through.
Yep, but remember the old Dwarf saying. "When his hands are above your head, your teeth are..." :> I'm 30 in June. I really have no frellin idea how that happened. :faint:
I was going to say " sssssssh David ! don't be telling everybody " !! but Jerome beat me to it !! :madgrin:
wonder if David serves her with a 'gunfire breakfast'? But my rant of today is this: watching BBC World News this morning, one of the big stories is the death of Jane Goody. I have no problem with them carrying this story, but how come no news on British Military casualties - even at the start of Gulf War 2, other than a crytic "2 soldiers killed" etc., not one human element story. Can someone tell me, Is the ownership of the Beeb now foreign based?