Who is waving the Union Jack?

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by CTNana, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Not on my computer!!!

    Perhaps my system is just too tired to be xxxxx then?????
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    It appears to be waving Nana. Could be a bad cookie or your system is blocking certain graphics.
  3. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Made lots of them in my time. I'll reboot.
  4. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    No still not waving and had to reinstall webcam and other peripherals!!!
  5. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Damn. Well, as long as you're not encountering any other problems on here Nana, you're not missing much :)
  6. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Only insomnia!!!!! I wish I still smoked!!!!
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    No, you don't.
  8. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Trust me I do!!!!
  9. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    I miss it too :cry_smile:
  10. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    To our knowledge our youngest Grandaughter, aged 4, has never seen anyone smoke and she absolutely amazed us a couple of weeks ago by pretending to smoke a "candy stick" (what sweet cigarettes - purchased by her Granddad who has never smoked!!!! - are now called.
  11. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I must have been tired!

    :clapping: Congratulations Kyt how many months, weeks, days, hours so far????:cheer2::clapping:

    How are you doing Geoff?

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